Online Safety

Who is not online these days? Virtually everyone is! However, not everyone knows how to stay safe online.

Do you need a crash course in online safety? How do you improve your web browsing? Should you be worried about online privacy? How do you enhance your privacy and security?

About the Marriott-owned Starwood Hotels Breach

10 Principles for Online Privacy

What You Need to Know About the Facebook Breach

Need a Crash Course in Online Safety?

Improve Your Web Browsing with These Tips

How Brushing Scams Can Swipe You under the Carpet!

Should You—As a Teen—Be Worried About Privacy on the Web?

It's More Than Facebook! Protect Your Data with These Tips

Can You Trust Online Reviews?

It's Time to Review Your Facebook Privacy Settings

What You Need to Know About the Meltdown and Spectre Computer Chip Flaws

Enhance Your Online Privacy and Security with These Tips

Should You Get an Ad Blocker?

Staying up to Date

Are You (and Your Money) Safe on Facebook?

More Ransomware! Here's What You Need to Do

Breaking News: World-Wide Computer Hack

Hacked Email Account — What to Do

Are Public Wi-Fi Networks Safe?

Kids Using Your Smartphone or Tablet? Beware In-App Purchases!

FoolProof & Walter Cronkite

"The FoolProof Foundation believes there is a fundamental flaw in the teaching of financial literacy."

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